
Topic(s): Faith

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The Last Standing Flower

Our bodies somehow acclimate to the rhythm of the seasons. Summer was approaching its end, the daylight decreased and the shadows returned. Each year brings a new season of life. Kids start kindergarten with so many firsts. Then somehow only a few short years later we are celebrating all the senior year lasts. As the sun fades and the leaves change I’m reminded that I dislike (dare I say hate change). These shadows cast a heaviness over my mind and heart. As fall is ushered in with literal darkness, discontentment and sorrow sometimes falls across my heart.

I needed something, I needed someone.

I went to find my Jesus, which means I went for a walk. Alone with my God pouring out my heart while my feet carried me through familiar paths. I need 10 minutes to get out of my head and start looking and listening for God. I guess I’m an annoying toddler, or angsty teenager in this way, I want my Father to listen to me first before I hear what he has for me. I should be better about this; but I guess I’m not.

I’m grateful for his patience because sometimes I’m a bit extra.

I walked the usual path, one where I’ve memorized the steps and the ridges in the sidewalk. I started noticing the typical signs of fall approaching: the morning air was refreshingly cool on cheeks, the sun was shining but wasn’t piercing my eyes, the grass had fresh morning dew. The world was still. Then I started to notice what our amazing creator had for me, so many plants with one last bloom. An entire rose bush with one standing rose, a gathering of zinnias where all were deadheaded but one. There were a few precious stems who stood in attention reaching for the sun. A reminder of the strong and faithful Christians that each day reach for the Son. These blooms held a special beauty, I thought they might be the last I’d see until spring returns in a few short months. There is comfort in the promise of the cycling seasons. These blooms have something in common, they were shaded by something larger than themselves. Under the arch of something larger they had protection from the glaring sun and summer heat. My mind circled thinking about shade in the summer, a relief from the scorching heat. No one enjoys a picnic in the direct sun, they always seek the shade of a tree or shelter. We don’t thrive in places where we are exposed to such harsh elements without protection or refuge. Read that again…

We don’t thrive in places where we are exposed to such harsh elements without protection or refuge.

Harsh elements = 2020
Protection or Refuge = Jesus

Scripture started to pour over my heart.

2 Samuel 22:2-3 …“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior…
Psalm 91:2 I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!”
Psalm 5:11 But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you.

The bible is full of stories where God delivers his people and loves them fiercely, and 2020 will not be an exception.

I can focus on burden, spending my time figuring out the why or the why now, or how to fix it or I can simply find shade under the shelter of Jesus to rest and recuperate.

Read More on Faith.
Themes Covered: faith / refuge.

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